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Steve Dimitrakoulas (Greece)

"It's not like a job, it's a blessing"

"When I saw Battlefield Sports' equipment, I thought it was a really cool idea and it sparked something in me. I wanted something to give a real positive experience to groups. When I saw the Cobra I like the weight and look as I didn't want a realistic-looking gaming gun. As I didn't want to turn off parents. Having something real looking would have meant I would have had to overcome too many barriers with parents. Now I'm having fun, doing a job I love. It's not like a job, it's a blessing and I get real job satisfaction. The players always say they "LOVE IT, LOVE IT!" AND "IT'S SO MUCH FUN!" David is a great support and we've had many discussions where I've come away with new ideas and a new focus. Good support, good maintenance and good tech support."  

Daryl Breuninger (USA)

"It's a Game Changer!"

I’m really getting excited about our laser tag! I really feel that this could be big for us. Our battlefield area is really cool and a fun place to play. Last weekend we had about 100 sorority girls from San Jose State play. We’ve had at-risk youth from Oakland and Watsonville, boys soccer team, youth groups, and our guest groups play. The gear gets used every weekend. People are raving about it. We love how much easier it is to manage games with SATRWARE. SATRHUB is awesome. SATRWARE is a game changer if you're running SATR3+. Once you try it you can't go back to using just controllers. It makes things so much quicker and easier. In case you missed it our clients this summer have included Linkedin, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and NVIDIA. Pretty cool these billion-dollar companies love playing outdoor laser tag. Thanks for making an incredible product!! Keep up the awesome work!


Trudy & Kevin Hossack (Australia) 

"Fun & Very Rewarding Business"

"Friendly, fast service, always ready to help. Love the gaming guns. Great business, great fun, and very rewarding business. All the equipment is very well made and robust, the sales and service departments of Canditta and Adam are happy to answer any questions and the service is second to none. Everything I use is great for our business."
Kevin & trudy
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Robyn Daniels (Australia) 

"I've enjoyed being part of the BFS Family"

"We have stuck with Battlefield Sports because of the quality of service and back-up. The initial choice for the laser tag equipment was its durability. 

We have enjoyed being part of the Battlefield Sports "family" and look forward to future developments."


Kevin Walter (USA) 

"We're life-long fans"

"There is nothing like this in the State. All of the equipment used in the game is infrared-based with no projectiles. This isn't your typical "get-on-a-paintball-truck-and-shoot-zombies-in-protective-gear" kind of thing. Squads have to work together to keep zombie damage down to a minimum, WHILE solving puzzles and making decisions. I think SATR 3 is awesome. Your passion for this seeps through your products. We're life-long fans. I've spoken with other operators who "went cheap" and bought knock-offs, and nothing compares to the idea/product that you guys stand behind. It's crazy. Anyway, thanks again we're looking forward to many more years of workin' together!"

Jennifer Stevenson (USA)

"This has tripled out business in 1 year!"

"In our first 6 months of business, we were way ahead of anything we thought. Wow, we had our first long-distance guest - they drove 1hr & 30min just play!! We give our guests an authentic experience, they have fun, & we appreciate the fact that they then share our news. This has tripled our business in just one year! We are very passionate about what we do, we care about the experience everyone has, we focus on that, & the rest just falls into place. Our business is not money-driven, it is people-driven. My best advice for someone wanting to own their own battlefield business would be to make sure to find ways to make their business as diverse as possible with as many options for income as they can get & to ask others for ideas."
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